Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sleeping Bags

An enjoyable camping trip will get ruined pretty quickly if you don’t have a good night sleep. That’s the reason why having a quality sleeping bag to sleep in is essential if you want to be well rested, ready to

Summer Camping

There is a strong trend that shows that camping is always peaking in popularity during the summer season. This peak in popularity comes down to a few important reasons: Firstly, not only are kids out of school for a couple

Things to consider when buying a sleeping bag

A majority of bags are constructed from nylon, polyester, or nylon blends inside and out. Sleeping bags with cotton insides, quilted rectangular shapes, and kid’s bags with cartoon characters printed on them, not surprisingly, are not recommended for backpacking or

The Camping Diet

Foods fit for camping tend to vary depending on the type of camping you will be doing. If you are headed to a camping ground with shops in the area, you will more than likely have a wider variety of

Tent Styles

The most common styles of tents are Frame Tents, Dome Tents, Ridge Tents, Touring Tents, Vis-à-vis Tents, Hoop Tents, and Geodesic Tents. Frame tents – These are popular because of the headroom and overall space they provide. Some of the

What to Do While Camping

What to Do While Camping “Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.” Garrison Keillor If you are staying at a campground, there are normally lots

What type of backpack do you prefer

What type of backpack do you prefer? External-frame packs, internal-frame packs and day packs/rucksacks are the three typical camping bags much admired by most travellers and outdoor lovers.

Why Camping Makes the Ultimate Family Vacation

Although it is nice to hear that camping is a fun way to spend your next family vacation, you may be wondering exactly why that is. What you need to know is that camping is often referred to as one

Winter Camping

Camping in the winter requires a lot of mettle. This is because the camper is bound to face some unappealing conditions some of which are the frigid temperatures and the unpredictable weather.

Top Tips for a Great Camping Trip

Not a lot is better than sleeping under the night sky with your family. Camping isn’t just a favorite pastime for no reason. However, it is important to note that while camping can be great fun, there are many things